Who do you believe more? smtown love or .....

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
This post is not a comparative about who's more real than the other or to create  chaos but to point to bigger issue I have seen in the fandom and that's sad.

Some people nowadays are with the "SMTOWN Family is so real" "OMFG smtown family always support their members" "there's nothing like Smtown family" "Homin only needs smtown family" that's when I start thinking why some fans believe so easily in this lovely family than in the friendship TVXQ5 and SUJU13 had/has. Why is so difficult to believe in one of the strongest friendships and believe easily in something that is part of what SME sell to us all the time?

Many say SMTOWN family is real but if it was real why only in some moments is when SME sell us the idea of the family, I know many of them are real friends but maybe others are not so close like they show us. Not all is flowers and happiness not all is perfect. SMTOWN family comes from the idea that SME sold us about a closer family, a lovely one.

TVXQ5 and Suju13 for me represents what a family is about maybe because these 2 groups were friends from the start, maybe because they know what is work hard to be where they are today, maybe because both groups have gone through more than the rest of groups but im not comparing who has gone through more but the friendship of these 2 groups.

Nowadays people believe more in smtown love than the love i described above of TXVQ and Suju but how can that be? Yeah Minho is friends with Changmin and Kyu, yeah Heechul is friends with Jungmo and Sulli...etc. But you think friends means  the same as family? I dont think so. They can be friends but family is Jae, Minnie, Yun, Chun and Su or Teukie, Chul, Hyukjae, Kyu, Hae, Sungmin, Yesung...etc. They are friends but as group they are family or more than that.

How can someone believes in a family that SME created so people can like  than a family that grew up closer as the times passed by?

Many will say because SME family is there not matter what, JYJ or Hangen left them ..hey hey. You have to remember maybe they left SME but never their family. 

You can say but they are not family or friends anymore..why would you say this? because they fight? because they are mean to each other in a cute way? damn if that was the case then the whole world will be surrounded by lonely people with no friends or family.

A family/friend is someone who not matter if you fought is going to be there, a friend is someone who can support you, someone who protects you, someone who loves you not matter your flaws, someone who not matter if there's miles away from each other is going to be there supporting you even when people dont see. Because friendship is something that can not end. Many will say friendships can end but I will answer this: are you sure it was friendship in first place?

These 2 groups are like that they were reaching the place they are now because they become one. 5 is 1, 13/15 is 1. This is something that alone is amazing.

So I will say you will still denied the friendship of the 5 /15 and believe only the smtown friendship that was created by SME is real?

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