Today in a mexican TV show: Venga la alegría was showed TVXQ as part of the segment 90 seconds, where they talk about one artist and for 90 seconds they show videos of them. As many of you know Kpop has been spreading a lot in mexican lands these past weeks ...and this moment just these 90 seconds were enough to bring happiness to mexican cassies , why? because they say TVXQ =Hero, Yunho, Max, Xiah and Mickey. Not JYJ or Homin just TVXQ as they were and should be to. Maybe you say well they are separated now yeah but as 5 they were a big part of the hallyu wave and also the biggest group ever and most amazing one. We cant deny that. So let's be happy this day!!
Now is turn to TVXQ is a kpop group from Korea formed by HERO, MAX, XIAH, U-KNOW and MICKEY. The name TVXQ comes from Dong bang shin ki that means:"The Rising Gods of the East".
One of the group with more influence in the kpop and one of the most known in Asia . They have 3 record guiness:
for having the world's largest official fan club. Cassiopeia, the band's official fan club, is claimed to have more than 800,000 official members, the group was also listed as the most photographed celebrities in the world with 500 million pics , and for sold more than 200, 000 album in 2010
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